Piney Gir

Piney Gir hails from the American Midwest, home of wide-open plains with sunflowers that go on as far as the Earth curves. The “you’re not in Kansas anymore” jokes never wear thin, because Piney embraces her heritage bringing it with her to the UK, where she’s lived in London for over a decade now (yes she does have a sparkly red shoe collection & yes she wears a lot of gingham).

Piney Gir hails from the American Midwest, home of wide-open plains with sunflowers that go on as far as the Earth curves. The “you’re not in Kansas anymore” jokes never wear thin, because Piney embraces her heritage bringing it with her to the UK, where she’s lived in London for over a decade now (yes she does have a sparkly red shoe collection & yes she wears a lot of gingham).


For The Love Of Others

Piney Gir



Piney Gir


Jesus Wept

The Piney Gir Country Roadshow


Mr. Hyde's Wild Ride

Piney Gir
