Strictly Rockers

Following the demise of The Daleks in the early 80’s, Gaz the lead singer and front man of The Daleks, was quick to form a new band, Strictly Rockers, with two local Croydon reprobates Ian and Steve. Gaz and Ian wrote the songs and Steve provided the distinctive percussion. The 3-piece band was born, Gaz was again lead vocals but now sported a bass guitar. Running off the back of the punk rock era the band exploded with collection of up-beat anti establishment songs, the exception to the theme being the classic track ‘I Miss You’. The trio played a variety of different venues in the Croydon area, with their favourite haunt being the “Star” in West Croydon where they played regularly. Probably their most memorable gig was with UK Subs, and the infamous Charlie Harper. Strictly Rockers’ popularity was short lived, and within 18 months the trio had gone their separate ways. L.A.M.F.

Following the demise of The Daleks in the early 80’s, Gaz the lead singer and front man of The Daleks, was quick to form a new band, Strictly Rockers, with two local Croydon reprobates Ian and Steve. Gaz and Ian wrote the songs and Steve provided the distinctive percussion. The 3-piece band was born, Gaz was again lead vocals but now sported a bass guitar. Running off the back of the punk rock era the band exploded with collection of up-beat anti establishment songs, the exception to the theme being the classic track ‘I Miss You’. The trio played a variety of different venues in the Croydon area, with their favourite haunt being the “Star” in West Croydon where they played regularly. Probably their most memorable gig was with UK Subs, and the infamous Charlie Harper. Strictly Rockers’ popularity was short lived, and within 18 months the trio had gone their separate ways. L.A.M.F.


Are They Hostile?


Exterminate: 40 Years Too Late!

The Daleks
