The Fire Dept.

It has been reported that “The Fire Dept was cursed by three things: drunkenness, ineptitude and a fatal lack of self-knowledge, all three qualities manifesting occasionally and sometimes simultaneously, but always mockingly, in one or all of three members of the group at once.” Whatever truth may lie in this blatant slur the virtue in The Fire Dept lay in their showing that playing rock ‘n’ roll music is not about finesse or soppy haircuts, but about personal truth imbedded within a good pop song.

It has been reported that “The Fire Dept was cursed by three things: drunkenness, ineptitude and a fatal lack of self-knowledge, all three qualities manifesting occasionally and sometimes simultaneously, but always mockingly, in one or all of three members of the group at once.” Whatever truth may lie in this blatant slur the virtue in The Fire Dept lay in their showing that playing rock ‘n’ roll music is not about finesse or soppy haircuts, but about personal truth imbedded within a good pop song.


Last One There

The Fire Dept.


A Flame From The Fen - The Complete Fire Dept.

The Fire Dept.
