The Vermin Poets

Each song we make, we bend, break, crack or blemish it, so that the Gods can see we understand man’s striving is an insult in the face of universal perfection. And so the world will know us in fault and in truth. We sing of nature and everything, shooing reality into the listening ear. Nothing is beyond the range of our instruments and singing voices. Everything is in our song. Our declamatory instruction will show you the way to things. Signed: The Songsters

Each song we make, we bend, break, crack or blemish it, so that the Gods can see we understand man’s striving is an insult in the face of universal perfection. And so the world will know us in fault and in truth. We sing of nature and everything, shooing reality into the listening ear. Nothing is beyond the range of our instruments and singing voices. Everything is in our song. Our declamatory instruction will show you the way to things. Signed: The Songsters


Poets Of England

The Vermin Poets
