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The Drowned Man Resuscitator


They’ve been described as grossly underrated – Portland Mercury USA, but they’re not bitter. If you want to know the truth that’s what’s kept them jabbing all these years, getting better and stronger. Now they release their 9th album, a bone crunching left hook, on premier indie label, Damaged Goods.

Broderick & Allen started the Loins as a raw, stripped down acoustic duo in 1990 and soon had legendary cuts man, Billy Childish, in their corner.  He recorded their first Spartan albums live in his toilet onto a mono Revox tape machine and released them on his Hangman label. These savage uppercuts are now swapping hands for big dollars on ebay and quoted as a major influence on the growing punk/folk movement.

A bout of onstage sparring resulted in a 6-year lay-off until they shook hands and returned re-girded in ’05 with a straight right to the bread basket: “Songs To Hear Before You Die” was immediately hailed by discerning rags as the dog’s bollocks.

New to the stable is Rob Shepherd who bought a shed load of nicked traditional instruments to the proceedings.  He’s a good boy.

Now get your lugholes round this latest bout of life and the living of it – drinking, fucking, stupidity, tenderness, religion and death. Do yourself a favour and take it on the chin.

They were: Chris Broderick – singing & percussion.  Chris Allen – guitar & singing. Rob Shepherd – guitar,banjo,mandolin,accordion.

folk music given back its balls, bite and no little bile